Saturday to Sunday, March 29 & 30, 2025


*Registration available here:

*Download the schedule.


Theme:  The Power of the Humanities to Decolonize Healthcare

In Canada and other countries, colonization has led to the displacement of Indigenous communities, loss of land and disruption of traditional ways of being. Healthcare practices have served the interests of White settlers, neglecting the traditional healing practices and knowledge of Indigenous peoples. It also impacts other marginalized groups.  These issues have created disparities in health outcomes, as marginalized populations face barriers to quality care. Humanities provide innovative and creative ways to identify and foster discussion around the inequities of our healthcare system. This opens the door to solutions and changes that can be made to decolonize healthcare and create an equitable system for all communities. This conference will provide opportunities for participants to reflect on our healthcare system and its impact on Indigenous, Black and other communities, and to consider how the humanities can help facilitate systems change.


1.      Describe ways in which the arts and humanities can foster an anti-oppressive healthcare culture

2.      Demonstrate how the arts and humanities can create opportunities for self-reflection and recognition of unconscious bias in healthcare

3.      Explain how the arts and humanities can build bridges between cultures

Abstract Requirements:

Abstracts of maximum 250 words (excluding references) must be written in English or French and submitted using the following form:

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, December 19 at 11:59 p.m. AST.

Please include the following information in your abstract submission:

·       Presentation title

·       Author name(s) and, if applicable, affiliation(s)

·       Presenter name/Presenters’ names (i.e., Who will be presenting at the conference?)

·       Presentation format (e.g., research presentation, workshop, poster)

·       Presentation platform: in-person or virtual

Presentation formats:

Creating Space 15 supports submissions for both online and in-person presentations.

Please note that poster presentations and performances will be in-person only.

·       Research presentation: 20 minutes (15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions)

·       Innovative experience in humanities pedagogy: 30 minutes (20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions)

·       Roundtable or panel: 60 minutes (40 minutes plus 20 minutes for questions)

·       Workshop: 60 minutes (with at most 25% for didactic presentations)

·       Pecha Kucha: 20 slides, 20 seconds by slide

·       Performance: 30 minutes

·       Poster presentation

Contact: If you have questions about the call for submissions or conference, please email:

Details about Creating Space 15 are also available on the Canadian Association for Health Humanities’ social media. Visit us on X and Instagram.

 Creating Space 15 – Save the Date 

Creating Space will take place on March 29 & 30, 2025 at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  

We’re pleased to announce a return to Halifax next year, in alignment with the International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM), taking place in Halifax from April 3-6, 2025. Double the learning, sharing and fun. 

So, mark the dates in your calendars and plan to join us in Halifax next year to celebrate 15 years of Creating Space! 

The call for abstracts is forthcoming in the Fall.  

About Creating Space 
Creating Space is the annual national conference of the Canadian Association for Health Humanities (CAHH). It brings together scholars, teachers, clinicians, artists and learners from around the world and attracts speakers and participants from across the many fields that form Health Humanities. Founded in 2010, it is designed to be highly interactive and interdisciplinary.